Piet Eckert
Piet Eckert (1968, Mumbai, India) studied architecture at the ETH Zurich (Diploma 1994, with honorable mention) and Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture in New York City. From 1995-1997, he worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA).
He has been an independent architect in Zurich since 1997 and founded E2A Eckert Eckert Architects with Wim Eckert in 2001.
Piet Eckert regularly lectures and runs workshops at universities and institutions. He has taught at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and at the ETH Zurich. He has been a member of academic and professional juries in Europe and elsewhere.
From 2009-2010, Piet Eckert was a Visiting Professor for Architecture and Sustainable Design at the HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU). From 2014 - 2019, he was an appointed Guest Professor at the USI - Università dell Svizzera Italiana at Mendrisio. Since 2020, Piet Eckert has been an appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the TU Dortmund University (Germany).