Visiting Professors
Piet and Wim Eckert appointed to teach in Mendrisio
From September, 2014 on Piet and Wim Eckert will teach as Visiting Professors at the Accademia di Architettura of the USI – Università della Svizzera Italiana in Mendrisio. Their classes will cover the Bachelor as well as the Master Program.
The Academy of Architecture was founded with the aim to educate students in becoming architects able to act critically, responsibly and innovatively in the transformation of contemporary living space. The Academy provides students with a learning and work environment revolving around architectural project, which represents the frame of reference for all subject areas - cultural, social, art-historical, technical and scientific - that form the interdisciplinary study curriculum.
Accademia di architettura
Università della Svizzera italiana
Largo Bernasconi 2
6850 Mendrisio
Università della Svizzera italiana
Largo Bernasconi 2
6850 Mendrisio

© Christian Aeberhard